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How I see hiring process?

Recently heard about Cognizant's decision to lay off certain number of people. Where did we learn this "Hire and Fire" culture. Hiring actually does not work this way. Hiring means as a company/people who are managing, we are taking responsibility for a human being and the family associated with that person. If you didn't have such a plan, please do not hire someone as a full-time employee for your company. There are very unfortunate situations you can never help it. That everybody can understand. But just because of a policy change or vision re-alignment if you are going to fire people like trashing old files, then fundamentally we are wrong. I have few points for me and for you: 1) Don't hire a person with a thought that you may fire that person in future. 2) Hiring means hiring a person and his family and not just paying salary every month. 3) Think hundred times before you hire but never think about firing unless not firing the person is a threat to you or the team or the company. 4) We never had this idea called "Firing". Don't import unnecessary jargons from the west. hashtaghiringtalent hashtaghiringprocess hashtaghiringadvice


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